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Aug, 2023

Wanna Play Some Basketball?

Hello Terrier Supporters!!!


ATTENTION!!!! BOYS AND GIRLS BASKETBALL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE IN BY SEPTEMBER 1ST!!!! If we do not have registrations in we will have to cancel the season for the kids!!!! 

If you do not have an account, you will have to create one to register.

Athletic Registration is open for ALL SPORTS in ALL SEASONS starting May 1st of every school year for the following school year.  A new physical must be turned in yearly; your child will not be allowed to participate without an updated physical. The If your child specifically is going to be in the 6th grade please utilize the DCFS Child Health Exam Certificate  form as it is acceptable for your child’s required 6th grade physical.  Please be sure this form is filled out by your medical provider as other medical charts etc. are NOT valid for sports participation physicals. Completed Physical forms need to be turned in to your coach or the Athletic Director.

  1. Winter Sports registration is also available and the deadline for winter sports is September 1st
    1. Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball
  2. Spring Sports registration is also available and the deadline will be December 25th
    1. Boys Volleyball, Girls Soccer
  3. After successful registration you will receive a receipt for your records. Your coaches will also receive an email that you are registered after successful completion of the process.
  4. If you run into any issues with the registration, you can email a support request to [email protected]. Your email is sent directly to the St. Anastasia Athletics Support staff and you can expect a response within 24 hours. For more information including volunteer coaching contact information contact one of our administrators.

A fee of $20 will be assessed for late registrations.


Thank you for your interest in St. Anastasia Sports,


Jen Beltrame, Athletic Director

Sandra Montoya, Assistant Athletic Director

Larry Sobczak, Assistant Athletic Director

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