St. Anastasia Catholic School
629 Glen Flora Avenue, Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone: (847)623-8320 - Fax: (847)623-0556
Athletic Association
Handbook and
Policy Manual
Adopted: 23 August, 2017
The purpose of this handbook is:
The purpose of this handbook is to establish common understandings among administrators, teachers, coaches, parents, and students. To establish the policies and procedures which guide the program of athletics at St. Anastasia Catholic School. To serve as a basis for a periodic reevaluation of the athletic program. And to provide, in writing, a statement of basic policies and procedures for reference when desired.
1.00 Philosophy
We are committed to the overall vision and mission of the school. The department‘s goal is to have our student athletes reach their full potential in all areas. Through their participation in the Saint Anastasia School athletic program, students will develop life-long skills and positive values. These values include: leadership, healthy living habits, self-discipline, integrity, teamwork, respect for the rules and regulations, and the ability to participate through victory or defeat.
2.00 Athletic Association Meetings
· The Athletic Board shall meet once a month. Special meetings may be called by the Athletic Director, as needed, or by any two members. All members shall be notified of all special meetings at least 48 hours in advance. All meetings shall have an agenda.
· All Athletic Board meetings shall be open to members of the parishes and to parents of children participating in events sponsored by the Board. The right of such non-voting members, visitors, etc. to address the board shall be limited to those whose petition has been approved for the agenda in advance of the meeting.
· Only the members of the Board have voting rights.
3.00 Organization
1. The Executive Board will consist of : Pastor: Principal; Athletic Director; Assistant Director; Secretary; Treasurer; Purchasing Director; Uniform Director; Volleyball, Soccer, and Basketball Directors. (Board members may hold many positions)
2. Regardless of the number of positions held by one person on the Executive Board only one vote may be exercised. The responsibilities of the Executive Board are:
3. To handle problems that are greater in scope and cannot be handled by the AD alone.
4. To exercise final authority on all appeal cases concerning relief from duty, suspension, etc. Such action must be by simple majority vote.
5. To mediate any disagreement between members by invitation of any of the members involved. Either the Athletic Director, the Principal, or the Pastor shall decide whether any disagreement merits a special meeting of the Board. The Board’s decision(s) shall be final.
6. To set the registration fees for the various sports and to formulate the deposit policy for uniforms. This will then be presented to the membership for a vote.
7. To schedule a monthly meeting of the Executive Board to help organize the various sports.
8. Any Board decision will be binding to the succeeding Board.
3.01 Athletic Director Responsibilities
The Athletic Director’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Keep the Principal/Assistant Principal informed of the important accomplishments, needs, and problems in all areas of the operation of the athletic program.
· Work cooperatively with the Athletic Board in development of schedules that will provide for the maximum effective, efficient, and equitable use of equipment and facilities.
· Maintain current lists of all students participating in the athletic programs. Send lists of participating students to each junior high teacher for reference.
· Maintain a teachers’ weekly eligibility list of all athletes participating in the athletic program.
· Schedule all tournaments, officials and games. Inform the administration, parish calendar coordinator, and maintenance staff of all events.
· Assist the administration in the efficient and effective operation of the home athletic events, including the scheduling of officials, designation of scorekeepers, and preparation of equipment and facilities.
· Assist the Athletic Board in the selection and in the assignment of the athletic coaching staff.
· Assist coaches in the implementation of the rules and procedures in the Athletic Handbook.
· Implement an effective procedure for the handing out of uniforms, collecting uniforms, and collecting athletic fees.
· Secure first aid kits, equipment and uniforms on the advice of the Athletic Board.
· Keep a current inventory of uniforms and equipment.
· Be in charge of distributing and of totaling the results of the Christian Athlete Award with the Principal/Assistant Principal.
· Submit a background check and participate in a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop provided by the parish.
· Complete and obtain a certificate in concussion awareness
· The Athletic Director of St. Anastasia Parish School is to use good Christian judgment and discretion at all times when working with the parents and the students of St. Anastasia Parish School
3.02 Assistant Director of Athletics
The duties of the Assistant Director are:
1. Work with the AD to understand the entire program so that the absence
of the AD will not adversely affect the program.
2. Chair any Athletic Board meeting if so appointed by the AD.
3. Represent our Parish if assigned by AD.
4. Coordinate any committee activities as directed.
5. Develop an annual fund raising plan and coordinate all fund raising projects.
3.03 Secretary
The duties of the secretary are:
1. This person shall record minutes from all meetings.
2. The secretary shall be custodian of the records and shall in general, perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and perform such other duties as may be required by the Board or the AD.
3. Keep a log of various duties of the office.
4. Communicate with the St. Anastasia Catholic School on information presented to prospective families during orientation.
3.04 Treasurer
The duties of the treasurer are:
1. In charge of all disbursements of funds.
2. Establishment of banking, checking accounts and assure collection of all debt and interests.
3. Assist AD in development of budget.
4. Report financial status at all meetings.
5. The Treasurer and AD will be bonded.
6. Prepare financial statements
3.05 Purchasing Director
The duties of this position are:
1. To arrange for all purchasing that may be required of Association and present competitive prices to AD and Treasurer.
2. Coordinate all purchased with Sports Director and Treasurer, then authorize payment of bills.
3. The care, storage and distribution of all equipment.
4. NO ONE may issue or take equipment without the consent of the Purchasing Director.
5. Keep and up-to-date inventory with the help of the Sport Director(s) and provide said inventory to AD.
6. Keep adequate records of who has what equipment. The various Sport Directors must work closely with the Purchasing Director in this regard.
7. This person must always be at least six months ahead of the program by submitting replacement orders to the AD.
3.06 Uniform Director
This person is a member of the Executive Board and is appointed by the AD.
The duties of this position are:
1. Care, store and issue the uniforms.
2. Keep an up-to-date inventory with the help of the Sport Directors and present said inventory to the AD.
3. Keep adequate records of who has what uniform.
4. NO ONE may issue or take uniforms without the consent of the Uniform Director.
5. This person must always be at least six months ahead of the program by submitting replacement orders to the Purchasing Director. The Purchasing Director will then report to the AD if purchases are OK.
3.07 Sport Directors
There will be a sport Director for Soccer; Volleyball; Basketball.
Each Sport Director is responsible for any Parish facilities. A person may manage only one team at a time per season. i.e. Soccer or Volleyball. A Sport Director may also manage or coach in the same sport or in another sport. The duties of the Sport Directors are:
1. To help represent the Parish at meetings involving their sport when requested by the AD.
2. Submit a list of managers and coaches to be appointed for approval by the AD.
3. Work with AD with registration and forming of the teams.
4. Check and verify the eligibility of all participants and send completed roaster to the STAA.
5. Work with the Purchasing Director in the care and replacement of equipment for his/her sport. At the end of his season, he/she must plan a year ahead to replace or add to the supplies and equipment. He/she must turn in an inventory and replacement list to the Purchasing Director
4.00 Communication
The following principles outline these important issues as they may relate to athletics.
The Athletic Board of St. Anastasia Parish School retains the right to amend this handbook for just cause and to inform parents of those changes in a timely manner. Any changes made must be approved by the Pastor and the Principal.
· When a problem or concern arises, please communicate ONLY with those who can best receive and can best deal with the issue.
· Only those parties who are directly affected by the issues are to be involved. To involve those who are not affected by this particular issue will not solve the issue; it may actually create more problems. Maintaining confidentiality and keeping issues only to those involved will encourage respect and cooperation, and it will help to foster more effective solutions.
· Please arrange all discussions and conferences in a setting that would facilitate healthy communication. Refrain from any discussion of these matters in the presence of a child or children.
· If anyone needs to reach the Athletic Director, or the Principal/Assistant Principal, please refer to the list of Athletic Board members that was handed out at the beginning of the school year. If it becomes necessary, messages can be left at the school number (847-623-8320).
· Social Media should never be used in a derogatory way toward an STAA player, coach, or fan.
Chain of Communication
Assistant Principal
Athletic Board
Athletic Director
Assistant Athletic Director(s)
5.00 Sign-Up Procedures
Announcements will be made as to when open registration will begin and when the deadlines are to be set. Forms and payment must be returned to the Athletic Director by the stated deadline. After the deadline date, an athlete’s registration will be accepted if space allows, and a late fee will be assessed. Transfer students will be contacted by the Athletic Director to explain the sports program.
6.00 Transfer Students
A student who transfers to our school shall become eligible provided all eligibility requirements have been met. (general eligibility requirements outlined in section 7.0)
F.A.Q. specific to transfer students
Q. What does the phrase “eligibility requirements” mean?
A. In general, a transfer student is eligible to participate for St. Anastasia school on the once the student’s birth certificate is on file, a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner not more than 365 days preceding such practice, or contest in any athletic activity is on file, and the principal can verify grades from the previous school. If this process takes 15 days to get all of the paperwork on file, then the student is ineligible for those 15 days. If the paperwork is on file after one day and the student is a bona fide student of the new school, then the student is eligible provided he/she has met all of the requirements set forth in the policy for attendance and eligibility
7.00 Attendance and Eligibility
· Students may only represent in competition the school they actually attend. See exception noted below.
· In accordance with the Chicago Arch Diocese adopted partial enrollment policy, Students enrolled in the St. Anastasia Religious Education program may be eligible for inter scholastic athletics participation.
· Exceptions allowed and sanctioned by the Athletic Conference
· Submitting all documentation before the first practice
· Meeting basic academic requirements
· Physical examination card filled out by physician or physician’s assistant
· All athletes must have a Sports Physical, as mandated by the Archdiocese of Chicago each year. Athletes failing to turn in a current Sports Physical will not be allowed to participate in any practices or games
· Concussion Agreement received and signed
· Emergency release for treatment card signed by parent/guardian
· Waiver of liability and assumption of risk statement signed by parent/guardian
· The Student Athlete Agreement signed by the athlete
· The Parent Agreement signed by the parent/guardian
· All previous season's sport equipment/uniforms etc. have been turned in
· Fees and uniform deposits are paid
o No student will be denied sports participation because of financial burden. Parents should see the Principal if finances are a concern.
· Meeting requirements of league/ conference regulations
Normally, St. Anastasia sports will take priority over any non-school organized sports. If participants have prior commitments, these must be brought to the Coach’s attention prior to the sports season to determine conflicts that could affect playing time. The STAA Board reserved the right to cancel any activity, practice, or game.
Q. What is the definition of "the school which they actually attend"?
A. "The school which they actually attend" shall be viewed as the school at which a student is enrolled and permanent records are kept.
8.00 Scholastic Standing
· All student-athletes shall be in grades four through eight and shall not have passed eighth-grade standing.
· Student-athletes must adhere to all academic requirements
· If a student-athlete’s average grade drops below a C, he or she will become automatically ineligible to participate.
· Student-athletes’ academic progress is monitored by the academic support program staff. If at any time, the Athletic Director receives academic information that a student-athlete is not meeting his or her responsibilities the Athletic Director will meet with the head coach to determine if playing or practice privileges will be restricted, suspended, or terminated.
· For all activities, athletic as well as non-athletic, passing work shall be checked weekly.
· Eligibility will be applied to the Monday through Saturday following the week that was checked. Students must be passing each subject each week to be eligible. Grades shall be cumulative for the school's grading period.
· The eligibility check shall be the same day each week unless school is not in session; then it must be taken on the last day of student attendance that week.
· For fall sports, the first eligibility check shall be made following the first full week of attendance at the beginning of the school year. During the succeeding weeks of the school year, the eligibility check shall begin the week prior to the first contest in an activity.
· Absence from school, (except in extenuating circumstances), will presuppose absence from a practice or game that day. Unexcused absences from a game or practice my result in loss of playing time for the next game for that sport.
9.00 Proper Conduct
The principles of good sportsmanship include winning as an objective, but the primary goal is to play the game well. The principles include conduct of the athlete on the athletic field of play, respect for opponents and game officials, and adherence to the rules of the game to our school and to the visiting school and its property. The honorable conduct of an athlete brings esteem to St. Anastasia and to the athlete’s teammates. Good conduct especially includes the way the athlete receives the judgments of the officials. First and foremost, the athlete is courteous and respectful. Team leadership, fair play, and humility are paramount virtues to be built into the character of the athlete. Each St. Anastasia athlete plays as part of a team. Personal gain and glory are sacrifices for the sake of the team. Profanity, lack of sportsmanship, poor conduct, disrespect of any form or inappropriate behavior at any St. Anastasia athletic function (i.e., games, practices, tournaments, etc.) shown towards any person or property will not be allowed and will be subject to discipline by the STAA Board and/or Principal and may result in loss of play time or suspension or dismissal from the team.
Any player or coach receiving a technical foul (basketball) or yellow/red card (volleyball/soccer) due to unacceptable behavior will be expected to serve a one game suspension immediately affective their next NICC game, non-conference game or tournament game. Any player or coach who receives two technical fouls in one season will be dismissed from their team. This ruling is per the Northeast Illinois Catholic Conference Bylaws, dated 4/12/16 and the Archdiocese Catholic Schools Handbook for Athletics in the Catholic Elementary School -2013.
Any athlete who places his/her health or team in jeopardy by failing to observe the team training rules is subject to suspension or dismissal from the team.
STAA will follow the Zero Tolerance rules.
10.00 Competition vs. Participation
Competition is clearly an inherent component of athletics. When kept in proper perspective, competition can be beneficial. The following text outlines our policy regarding “playing time” for student athletes at all levels of our St. Anastasia School Program.
Good sportsmanship includes respect and consideration for any team player. It is understood that a team strives to score enough points to win. When a victory is assured, a team should not unduly run up the score.
Meaningful Participation: Playing time at all levels will be decided depending on the student-athlete’s meaningful participation in practice. “Meaningful participation” includes the student-athlete’s regular attendance as well as behavior at practices. Poor practice attendance or behavior has a negative impact on the team and may affect the frequency and extent of a team member’s opportunities to play in games. Coaches should establish and communicate expectations which are consistent with the spirit of the policy expressed herein by grade level.
10.01 Policy for Playing Time
Every eligible athlete on the team bench will play in every game. The playing time guidelines are as follows for each grade level:
· 4th, 5thand 6th grade is equal playing time over the course of the season
· 7th and 8th grade playing time should be a reflection of ability, effort, attendance at practices, commitment to the team, and at the discretion of the coach
However, missing practice without cause, excessive absences, or tardiness can reduce playing time and even exclusion from the team.
4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Level: At the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade levels, the head coach will strive to involve all players in every game. While it may be difficult to play all athletes equally at each game, a fair and relatively-equitable rotation should occur so that all players can participate and can develop their skills.
7th and 8th Grade Levels: At the 7th and 8th grade levels, the coach will play his/her athletes more competitively. It must be clearly understood by all parents and players that at this level
not everyone will be played equally. However, the coach will strive to involve all players in every game.
The judgment made as to who plays in each game and for how long he/she will play are subjective decisions of the head coach. They should be supported by both parents and by players alike. At no time should competitive play compromise any of the ideals as set forth in the above stated philosophy (Section 1.00).
Tournament Games: Tournament games can be played competitively for all grade levels. However, the coach will strive to involve all players in every game.
At the coach’s discretion, a student returning from Athletic/Extra-Curricular Probation may not be able to play. If the student is reinstated from probation and is able to get in a practice or two, then the student may play in the next game. If the student misses practice(s) and returns just before a game, the coach has the discretion to determine the appropriate playing time, if any, based on grade level. For those students that are not at practice due to extra homework/project, parents should call or at the next practice or game, send a note to the coach stating why the student did not attend practice. Playing time can also be reduced for disciplinary reasons,
11.00 Splitting of Teams
Whenever the number of interested athletes reaches the established maximum limit, it will necessitate a division into two teams. This policy does not claim to be a perfect solution to all the issues surrounding this matter. This policy will maintain a respectable level of competition and playing time without betraying our ultimate goal of promoting sportsmanship, self-respect, and balance as stated in our athletic philosophy. Team rosters may be dependent on coaches’ availability, student participation, league guidelines, and athletic board discretion.
Volleyball: Regardless of grade level, whenever there are fifteen (15) or more athletes signed up for volleyball, there may be two (2) teams. Whenever there are twenty-two (22) or more, there may be three (3) teams.
Basketball: Regardless of grade level, whenever there are fourteen (14) or more athletes signed up for basketball, there may be two (2) teams. Whenever there are twenty-two (22) or more, there may be three (3) teams.
Soccer: Regardless of grade level, whenever there are twenty-five (26) or more athletes signed up for soccer, there may be two (2) teams
Grades 6/7/8: When any of our teams has reached the maximum limit, and the league establishes as “A/B” League for a given sport, we will split the two teams “unequally”. The A Team will have those athletes whose talents and experiences in a given sport will allow them to play more competitively. The B Team will have those athletes whose talents and experience in a given sport would necessitate a slightly different level of competition. If there are three teams for any given level, the teams will be split by the discretion of the athletic board.
Grade 4/5: When any of our teams have reached the maximum limit, we will split the teams “equally”. An honest effort shall be made to split the teams so that there are equally talented and equally experienced athletes on the teams. These teams shall be referred to as the Green Team or the White Team. They shall not be referred to as A and B teams or any other names that would create a sense that one team is more competitive that the other.
12.00 Shortage of Players
Whenever the number of athletes on a given team reaches the established minimum limit, as stated below, it may necessitate inviting players from a lower level to play up a level. No player is allowed, at any time, to play at two different grade levels on a permanent basis.
Volleyball: When the number of players reaches seven (7) or less, and invitation may be placed for additional players only from a lower level or lower grade.
Basketball: When the number of players for basketball reaches seven (7) or less, an invitation may be placed for additional players only from a lower level or lower grade.
Soccer: When the number of players reaches thirteen (13) or less, an invitation may be placed for additional players only from a lower level or a lower grade.
12.01 Policy for Playing Up
Based on the number of registered athletes, the STAA will set and finalize the team rosters.
In the event that a team does not have enough registered athletes to complete a roster, (i.e., only four athletes registered for basketball) or due to injury or absence, the STAA Board will consult with the parents of the athletes that did register and will make final decisions on “combining” a team or “playing up”, athletes from the lower grade. Athletes who desire to “play-up” shall always play for their grade level first and then attend the game of the higher grade level. Athletes committing to “playing-up” will also have to attend both their team practice and the higher grade level practice. Per the NICC and Archdiocese Guidelines, students may only play up 1 grade level. No athlete is allowed to play at a level “lower” than his/her grade level.
13.00 Practice Sessions
There will be no more than three (3) practice sessions per week regardless of grade level. No practice, regardless of grade level, may last longer than one and one half (1-1/2) hours per session. “Pick-up games” are considered a practice for the week. All gym time must be secured through the Athletic Director.
Whether or not school is in session the next day, all practices must be completed by 9:30 PM. The availability of gym time will determine the actual length of a given practice session.
Practices are limited to 1-1/2 hours maximum.
· For grades 4 thru 6, not to exceed 3 total hours a week.
· For grades 7 & 8, not to exceed 6 total hours a week.
Exceptions to this rule:
· If the team is playing in a tournament and be approved by the Athletic Director.
There will be no practices scheduled or allowed on Sundays.
14.00 Games
A game is defined as any athletic event between players/coaches from St. Anastasia Parish School and any other school other than St. Anastasia School with paid referees and a time clock.
A “pick-up game” is defined as any athletic event between players/coaches from St. Anastasia Parish School and any other school other than St. Anastasia Parish School that is practice in nature. There is no paid referee present. Coaches are free to stop the game for instructional purposes.
A tournament is defined as any game(s) where an entry fee is required and more than two teams are involved.
15.00 Awards
St. Anastasia Christian Athlete Award will be given once per year to the two 8th grade individuals that best exemplify a Christian Boy and Girl Athlete. The coaches will rate athletic ability, sportsmanship and effort. The faculty members who teach these athletes, along with the Principal/Assistant Principal, will rate academic achievement, courtesy/service and effort. This award will be given at the Athletic Association Banquet.
A. Eligibility: Any Eighth Grade student at St. Anastasia Parish School who has participated in at least two (2) sports during his/her Eighth Grade school year.
B. Selection: all coaching staffs will score all 8th grade athletes. The categories and maximum allowable points are as follows:
Athletic Ability: maximum 15 points
Sportsmanship: maximum 15 points
Effort: maximum 15 points
The score sheets for each athlete will then be turned in to the Athletic Director. Each athlete receives only one score sheet. The Athletic Director is to request that the coaching staff of the other sport fill out a score sheet for that individual.
After receiving the score sheets from the coaches, the Athletic Director will supply a list of names and the rating sheets to the Junior High teachers. The rating sheets will indicate the following categories and maximum points in each category:
Grades: maximum 5 points
Courtesy/Service maximum 5 points
Effort: maximum 5 points
16.00 Insurance Matters
All athletes participating in the St. Anastasia Parish School Athletic Program are playing at their own risk. All athletes must be covered by family insurance and must sign a waiver prior to participation.
17.00 Policy on Physicals
No student shall be permitted to compete in a practice, or game unless such student has filed with the school principal a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner as set forth in the Illinois State Statutes not more than 365 days preceding such tryout, practice, or contest in any athletic activity.
The athletic physical examination must be administered by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner as set forth in the Illinois State Statutes. The physician must be one who is licensed to practice medicine in all its branches. Some chiropractors have this kind of licensing from the State of Illinois and some do not. The chiropractor's physical examination is acceptable only when the physician is licensed to practice medicine in all its branches.
Any student who is not allowed to participate in interscholastic activities as the result of a physician's directive may not return to play until they have received written clearance from a physician.
Q. Must the form provided by the IESA be used for sports physical examinations?
A. No. This form is provided only as a service and is an option for use. The DCFS Child Certificate of Health form can also be used. But the IESA form may NOT be used as a school physical.
Q. Why must a student have a physical examination to practice for an athletic activity when the student may shortly leave the team?
A. This gives the school liability protection. The possibility of an unknown illness or an injury is as likely in a practice situation as in a game situation.
Q. What is meant by "365 days" in terms of this rule?
A. "365 days" means literally 365 days from the date of the physical until a new physical is required
Q. Is a physical examination administered by a chiropractor acceptable for athletic purposes?
A. No
Q. Why can a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner administer a physical?
A. On July 19, 2002, former Governor George Ryan signed into law Public Act 92-0703, granting signature authority to physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners for school physicals (“Physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, advanced
practice nurses who have a written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician which authorizes them to perform health examinations, or physician assistants who have been delegated the performance of health examinations by their supervising physician shall be responsible for the performance of the health examinations.”)
18.00 Attendance Issues
Attendance at School on the Day of a Game or Practice:
A student-athlete must be in attendance at school in order to participate in a game or a practice on the same day.
Games and Practices:
Absence: An absence may be excused if reasonable notice is given to the coach or if it results from an emergency. An absence caused by an emergency must be followed up by written or verbal contact from a parent or guardian.
An absence is unexcused if notice has not been given to the coach or if the absence is not an emergency. The student would dress but remain on the bench for the duration of the next game.
19.00 Uniforms and equipment
All uniforms will be issued by the Athletic Director. Reasonable effort needs to be taken in caring for the uniforms. If a uniform gets lost or damaged it must be reported immediately. Uniforms will be returned clean at the direction of the Athletic Director. Lost or damaged uniforms will require a replacement/repair fee to be determined by the Athletic Director which may exceed the deposit rendered at the time of registration.
19.10 Purchase of Equipment and Supplies
Purchase of Equipment and Supplies by individual or organization other than STAA:
1. It will be permissible for any individual or organization to purchase or donate any item of equipment or supplies that is provided by STAA as long as it complies with STAA specifications.
2. The STAA will not provide budget for fill-in items for uniforms purchased by individuals, organizations, or donations.
3. The Director of Athletics must approve all donations or purchases of uniforms.
19.50 Equipment and Supplies Furnished for Each Sport
1. Basketball - game shorts, reversible jersey
2. Volleyball - game jersey
3. Soccer - game jersey, colored game socks
Selling or Giving Away Athletic Equipment and Supplies - No athletic equipment or supplies may be sold to anyone without approval of STAA. No athletic equipment may be given away under any circumstances. No athletic equipment will be loaned without the approval of the Director of Athletics.
20.00 Volunteering
Each family is expected to contribute to working the home athletic events, including tournaments
· May include concessions, gate, grill, scoreboard, etc.
· We use to manage athletic volunteer hours
It is extremely important to the success of Athletics that all shifts in concession/ gate/ scorekeeper roles are covered. Coverage of concession/ gate/ scorekeeper helps to keep the fee cost down for parents and helps to provide income that allow for us to participate in tournaments and to cover other expenses. In the event that your child is ill or your child is on Athletic Probation, you will still be required to work the spot you had scheduled. If you are unable to work a scheduled shift, it is up to you, the parents, to find a suitable ADULT of 18 years of age and over for a replacement.
21.00 Registration
· Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer registration will be held in May of the prior school year for play starting in August of the next school year. At that time, all fees must be paid, insurance release forms signed, and other documentation completed as mandated by the STAA Board and the Archdiocese of Chicago. No child will be allowed to participate without the Medical Release Form completed and a current Sports Physical form signed by the family doctor.
· Your child's sport physical is good for one (1) year. The sport physical must be kept current and on file with the Athletic Board. Once that sport physical has expired, you have a two (2) week grace period to submit a new sport physical. Registration for boy’s and girl’s basketball will be held in August, boys volleyball and girls soccer in December
· Dates will be announced in the Registration Information Packet.
· Please Note: No late registration will be charged a $20 fee after the posted deadline has expired. (exception noted below)
· Transfer students may register so long as the season has not yet started
22.00 Fees
Athletic Fees are used to subsidize the cost of leagues, referees, tournaments, equipment and uniforms. The athletic fees for the school year will be announced in the Registration Information Packet for the following sports:
· Girls Volleyball
· Boys Soccer
· Girls Basketball
· Boys Basketball
· Girls Soccer
· Boys Volleyball
23.00 Facilities
The gymnasium, restrooms, and the front lobby are the only areas available to all participants. Participants and spectators are not allowed anywhere else in the school building. The STAA reserved the right to not allow spectators on the gym floor before, during, or after the games. This includes students.
The backdoor to the gym will remain locked from the outside. Entrance to the gym shall only be through the main entrance.
Please Note:
Parents/guardians are expected to monitor their children at all times while attending functions at St. Anastasia. Children are to sit with their parents/guardians at all times. Children left unsupervised outside of the gym will be escorted back to their parents. Extra-curricular activities are an extension of the school day and are covered by school rules of behavior. Misbehavior at extra-curricular events will be subject to disciplinary action by the St. Anastasia Athletic Association Board and/or Principal.
24.00 Supervisory Issues
Two adults are required at practices/games. No players are allowed to enter the gymnasium or playing field until two adults are present. No practice can start without adult supervision. The adults must have completed the “Protecting God’s Children” program and have a current background check on file in the school office. Background checks are valid for five (5) years.
25.00 Zero Tolerance Policy
The NICC and STAA have adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for misconduct. Profanity, lack of sportsmanship, disrespect shown towards any person, property, or poor conduct will not be allowed at practice, in the locker room, at games, or any events sponsored by the STAA which includes practices, games and tournaments on-site or at the host facility. This includes off-site functions at public places (i.e., restaurants, banquet halls, public sports facilities, etc.). Students, coaches, parents/guardians behavior must be consistent with the St. Anastasia School policies. The Athletic Director(s) and STAA Board will subject violators to disciplinary actions as appropriated.
Such disciplinary actions may include, but not limited to are:
· removal from game
· sitting out game(s)
· removal from team
26.00 Emergency Procedures
Emergency medical kits will be available to each coach before practices begin as well as for home and away games. Coaches are to notify the Athletic Director when supplies need to be replaced.
26.01 Policy for First Aid and Treatment
Studies have shown that any delay in first aid care can cause further injury or prolong an athlete’s recovery time. At minimum, all coaches must possess basic knowledge in sports first aid and CPR, in addition to being equipped with the proper supplies at every practice and game to treat all injuries or in the most serious situations, stabilize the athlete until help arrives.
The severity and frequency of sports related injuries can be significantly reduced with coaches understanding and proactively performing the following duties: properly plan the activity, provide proper instruction, provide a safe environment, provide adequate and proper equipment, match your athletes, evaluate athletes for injury or incapacity, supervise the activity closely (forbid horseplay and do not allow athletes to use sport facilities without supervision), and from a legal standpoint, coaches are expected to take action when needed and provide a certain standard of care. This includes performing basic first aid care for any injury or illness suffered by an athlete, in addition to CPR if necessary. It is strongly encouraged that every coach be certified in CPR!
Concussions are complex injuries that cause a disturbance in brain functions. It usually starts with a blow to the head, face or neck, and is often associated with temporarily losing consciousness. However, it is important to understand that a blackout is only one possible symptom. When an athlete suffers a concussion, the brain suddenly shifts or shakes inside the skull and can knock against the skull’s bony surface. If left untreated, a concussion can lead to a slow brain bleed.
Concussion symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe. Common mild concussion symptoms can include headache or migraine, temporary memory, and nausea. Moderate to severe concussion symptoms can include dizziness, dilation of pupils, migraine, convulsions, and temporary changes in vision, smell, and taste. A person may also lose consciousness. With the loss of consciousness, emergency medical services are needed immediately. If symptoms do not appear until several hours after the game, the child should still seek medical assessment.
Anyone who has suffered a concussion needs to rest their brain until all the symptoms are gone and under no circumstances can an athlete return to action without clearance from a medical professional.
All minor or major incidents are to be reported to the Athletic Director who in turn will report the incident to the Principal. Coaches are required to complete “Archdiocese of Chicago –Office of Catholic Schools –INCIDENT REPORT FORM (Internal Use Only) within 24-hours of incident.
Completed Incident Forms are to be turned in to the Principal. (see attached form)
A stocked First Aid bag is located in the Athletics closet for use at all home games (Red bag) and practices and will be kept at the scoring table during games in our gymnasium. For off-site activities, there are four (4) fully stocked backpack First Aid Kits (Orange Backpacks) located in the Athletics Closet.
27.00 Athlete Responsibilities
Athletes’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Act in a Christian manner by treating officials, coaches, other athletes, teammates and fans with respect and dignity. No dispute of an official’s call will be permitted by any player on the floor or on the bench.
· Notify your coach if you cannot attend a practice or a game. Any student absent from school due to illness or an unexcused absence will not be allowed to participate in practices or games that day.
· Wear the uniform that is issued to you by the Athletic Association.
· Keep your uniform neat and clean. Turn your uniform into your coach upon request.
· Remove all jewelry before practices and games.
· Remain in the gym during practices or games unless you ask and receive permission from your coach to leave.
· Signing acknowledgements of expectations of behavior, effort and attitude
Signing an agreement of support of the guidelines and policies of the athletic program
Student athletes are responsible and must adhere to:
· Returning all uniforms by the specified dates
· Maintain a solid academic and behavioral record in and out of the season
· Attend school the day of a game and/or practice
· Attend and be on time for regularly scheduled practices
· Display respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials
Consequences of disrespectful behavior can include a reduction in playing time or even suspension or termination from the team. St. Anastasia will govern all such incidents and these consequences will be enforced. Student athletes will by suspended from practicing with the team and/or participating in interscholastic competition for the following behaviors:
· Inappropriate language, as deemed by the coach, officials, or school administration
· Physical or emotional abuse of teammates, opposing players, coaches, spectators, or officials
· Destruction of school facilities and equipment
· Disrespect toward any coach or official in games or practices
· Lack of academic performance
· Lack of efforts and/or positive behavior in the classroom
A student athlete may participate in school related athletic programs if he/she:
· Is a an enrolled student
· Is exhibiting academic progress as determined by the classroom teacher(s)
· Is displaying positive social behavior as determined by the classroom teacher(s)
· Attends school the day of a game and/or practice
Any infraction of above rules may cause athlete to be benched for part of or for the entire game and potentially removed from the team with no refund of athletic fees.
28.00 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Parents/guardians are expected to support and encourage their child’s efforts. All comments from the stands should be supportive of the team’s efforts. No negative comments or criticisms should ever be directed towards student athletes. In addition, public criticisms directed towards the coaches, the athletic director, and school administration are absolutely unacceptable. In addition, it is expected that parents/guardians act as role models for their children by putting wins and losses in their proper perspective. The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when parents reflect these “six pillars of character”.
Therefore, it is critical for parent/guardians to display the following behaviors:
1. Trust in their child’s ability to have fun as well as to perform and achieve excellence on their own
2. Help their child to lean the right lessons from winning and losing and from individual accomplishments and mistakes
3. Support the coach. Please remember that each coach volunteers many long hours to our program. If you have a question, concern, or suggestion, discuss it with the coach in an appropriate manner. Then, if necessary, follow the proper Chain-of-Communication.
4. Give only encouragement and applaud positive accomplishments, whether for their child, his/her teammates, their opponents or the officials
5. Set a good Christian example by treating officials, coaches, athletes, and fans with respect and dignity.
6. Never coach their child or other players during games and practices, unless they are one of the official coaches of the team
Parents/guardians of an athlete are to engage in sportsmanlike conduct at all practices, games and tournaments on-site or off-site. This includes off-site functions. In the event that an official, coach, manager, Pastor or any STAA Board Member determines at his/her sole discretion, that parents/guardians have engaged in unsportsmanlike or otherwise offensive conduct directed toward any player, coach, manager, official, or other spectator that the parents/guardians may be ejected from the gym and that they leave immediately upon being requested to do so. The matter may be referred to the STAA for further action deemed as appropriate under the circumstances. Failure to follow the above rules could result in the athlete being suspended from the team. If an official or STAA Board Member removes a spectator from a game for un-sportsman conduct, that spectator will not be allowed to enter the gym for the next home game
Parents are required to review the Athlete’s Responsibilities with your child and to read the Parent Partnership Pledge, complete, and sign the form, “The Parents Pledge” and return the form to the St. Anastasia Athletics Department.
At least one parent/guardian must be present at every game. If this is not possible, please communicate with the coach as necessary.
29.00 Coach Responsibilities
Coaches’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Set a good Christian example by exhibiting the highest level of conduct.
· Obtain signed emergency forms prior to the second practice and have them in your possession at all practices and games.
· Distribute team Schedule of Practice to the athletes and the Athletic Director.
· Hold regular practices according to the Athletic Guidelines.
· Be the first one at games and practices and the last one to leave. NEVER LEAVE A CHILD UNATTENDED AFTER AN ACTIVITY.
· Know and abide by the rules of the game.
· Conduct a well-disciplined program that encourages those of all abilities.
· Be positive with criticism of children. Constructive criticism is always more effective than negative criticism.
· Consult with the parents when the student’s responsibilities are being repeatedly violated.
· Notify the Athletic Director in the event that you will not be using your allotted gym time.
· Return equipment to the Athletic Director within two weeks of the end of the season.
· Start every practice with two adults present.
· Copy Athletic Director on all written correspondence.
· Send a record of all win/losses record for completed season to the Athletic Director.
· Make use of a team prayer before each game.
· Assure that the team members show an opposing team respect in a winning or losing situation. (i.e. shake hands, do not run up the score, etc.)
Coaches are to use good Christian judgment and discretion at all times when working with the athletes of St. Anastasia Parish School.
29.01 Requirements for Coaching
· Any person, 21 years of age and older, interested in volunteering to coach a team should contact the Athletic Director. If more than one person wishes to coach the same team, the decision will be made by the STAA Board as far as who will be designated “Head Coach”.
· The STAA Board will conduct interviews for all new coaching candidates prior to each sport’s first practice sessions.
· All coaches and assistant coaches are subject to an eApps online background check performed by the Archdiocese of Chicago, complete the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System Form – CANTS, and Virtus training required by the Archdiocese. All coaches must keep up to date on all Virtus training material required by the Archdiocese each month. Failure to complete monthly Virtus Bulletins may result in suspension from coaching until requirements are met.
· All coaches will complete required training on concussion protocols
· Each team will have one Head Coach and preferably one Assistant Coach. Head Coaches may engage the help of teen coaches with the approval of the St. Anastasia Athletic Board. Teen Coaches will never hold practice without an adult present. Teen Coaches are to act under the supervision/guidance of the Head or Assistant Coach at all times. Teen coaches only act in the capacity of an aide to Head and/or Assistant Coach.
· While it is most desirable for the program to have a main coach continue to teach a curriculum of skills repetitively to a grade level, a coach may have the option of continuing coaching for the same team up to the 8th grade level with the approval of the STAA Board.
· Coaches at the 6th, 7th and 8th grade levels should ideally have at least two years experience in coaching the sport they wish to coach and/or the approval of the Athletic Director. Coaches’ performance will be monitored on a regular basis by the Athletic Board or Athletic Director.